Weight Loss Services
- Teri Funk, RD
Insurance Information
(Updated Jan. 5, 2025)
Client insurance tends to cover $500 or more per year for my services!
I can do direct billing to most insurance companies.
If you want me to submit your claim(s), please ask me to share my "Insurance Information" online form with you.
​​I can do direct billing to:
Alberta Blue Cross - Before you book a session, you can ask me to get an estimate of your coverage. I could give you a promo code to reduce the session's cost. After the session, I can submit the claim and the company can send a payment to me.
Cowan, Equitable Life of Canada, Green Shield Canada (GSC), Group Medical Services (GMS) Carrier 49 and 50, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Insurance, Manulife, MEDIC Construction, People Corporation, SSQ Insurance, and UV Insurance. - ​You would pay the full session fee. After the session, I can submit the claim and the company can send a payment to you.
AGA Financial Group, Benefit Plan Administrators (BPA), Beneva, Canada Life (including its Public Service Health Care Plan/PSHCP), Canadian Construction Workers Union, Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan, CINUP, ClaimSecure, Coughlin & Associates Ltd., D.A. Townley, Desjardins Insurance, First Canadian, Johnston Group, Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 183 and 506, Maximum Benefit, MDM Insurance Services, RWAM Insurance Administrators, Simply Benefits, TELUS AdjudiCare, and Union Benefits. - We can do either of the above two methods.
Dietitians are unable to do direct billing to GroupHEALTH, GroupSource, Manion, and Sun Life, but I could help you to determine how to submit a claim to them.
A doctor's referral is often not required.
If you want us to access a resource (e.g. article) that has a cost, we first need to ask your insurance company if they will cover this cost.
After a session, companies usually allow me to submit the claim within 31 days or allow you to submit it within 12 months.
You can typically see your claim results in your insurance account or you can ask me to email these results to you (if I did direct billing).